Henna/Jagua Tattoo Workshop – April 2024

Paikka ja osoite
Finnish-British Society Ry, Fredrikinkatu 20 A 9, 00120 Helsinki
Tapahtuman kuvaus
During this workshop, you can learn to make simple or complex henna or jagua tattoos, first on paper and then on your own skin. You can get inspiration from patterns available during the workshop, use stencils (provided), or just improvise!
During the drying of the henna, some tea, fruit juice, and biscuits will be served.
The tattoos will get their full colour 24-48 hours after the workshop. The tattoos are not permanent and last for 7-10 days for the henna and 2-3 weeks for the jagua.
For who? No need for any experience in henna tattoos. All persons of all ages are welcome!
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